Osage Nation Master Plan + Space Utilization Study
Pawhuska OK

CollinsWoerman assisted the Osage Nation with a master plan, space utilization study and a set of design standards for their government campus in Pawhuska, OK.

The project involved developing a site master plan for Osage Federal programs, executive offices, congressional offices, and Judicial and Minerals Council offices; a Facilities Program to locate departments onto the campus, and an extensive public and stakeholder involvement program.

The Osage Nation government campus buildings contain several new features to enhance the tribe’s connection to the land, including an ultrahigh efficiency heating and cooling system that utilizes geothermal wells connected to a central geo-exchange condenser water loop, heat recovery ventilation, radiant floor and beam heating, and a custom rainwater reclamation and reuse system.

Project Details

Size / Scope:
92 Acres